Your self-learning
Co-Pilot for manufacturing!

Start now to automate your manufacturing company: With products from up2parts and with 3D models, you’re future-proof and can get the most from your work preparation and component production! Whether it’s one part or series production, up2parts supports you in all kinds of challenges at your company.

  • Create work plans and calculations up to 80% faster
  • Cut time by 70% when you create CAM programs
  • Make production-relevant component data centrally available: always and everywhere, without long searches
  • Train knowledge transparently and sustainably for your individual manufacturing co-pilot

up2parts ends work preparation based merely on intuition.
fast • transparent • future-proof

The strongest partners at our side
The turbocharger for work plans and CAM programs

With products from up2parts, your machining company can build a continuous, future-proof process chain based on 3D models — for more transparency and availability of production-relevant component information and faster creation of work plans, quotations and CAM programs.

up2parts cockpit


With up2parts cockpit, all employees have constant access to production-related component data: 3D models, PDF drawings, work plans, CAM programs — up2parts cockpit creates transparency, efficiency and spares you from drawn-out information searches.

  • CAD models with tolerance information: With up2parts cockpit, you set your company up for the future by linking 3D models with tolerance information (Product Manufacturing Information
  • Searching for geometric similarity: Automatically compare historical datasets and directly adopt existing work plans for similar components
  • Design for Manufacturing (DFM): Our feasibility analysis identifies and visualizes production-relevant information, such as thin-walled elements, to design production more efficiently and prevent errors
up2parts calculation


Create work plans and quotations 80% faster. Your up2parts copilot creates individual suggestions based on your company expertise and production structures.

  • Individual work step sequences based on the component geometry and production technology
  • Suggestions for setup and runtime for each work step: for both processing centers and manual work steps
  • Tolerance information is available right in the CAD model through Product Manufacturing Information
up2parts autoCAM

Coming soon

Fits seamlessly into your existing CAM infrastructure to automatically and efficiently complete CAM programs and NC codes for your milling machines within a few minutes.

  • Create CAM programs up to 70% faster using CAD models including tolerance information for efficient production of your components
  • Automated suggestions of clampings, tools, operations and processing steps for your milled parts
  • The days of complicated, time-consuming rule- and macro-based maintenance and CAM programming are in the past, lightening your skilled employees’ workload
up2parts consulting for a future-proof manufacturing

We support you on the path to automating your machining company: From introduction of CAD models with Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) to work preparation to CAM programming. We join you in analyzing the entire process and smooth the path to the future of manufacturing. Customer-specific and to the point.

Production processes - more efficient than ever

With up2parts you reduce the effort in work preparation and production. For more efficiency, relief for specialists and satisfied customers.


Calculate costs up to 80% faster, and create CAM programs 70% faster


Our solution is PMI ready, and we support you all along the way


Long searches for models, drawings and CAM programs are a thing of the past


With each component, your up2parts copilot delivers better and better results.