Innovation award for up2parts calculation

Weiden. The innovative software solution up2parts calculation is one of the winners of the ife-Award 2022. At the “Innovationspreis Losgröße 1+” (innovation award batch size 1+), which is awarded annually by the “ife – Netzwerk für Einzelfertigiger” (network for single-part manufacturers), the AI-based software solution for automated component calculation landed in second place in the category “Project Service Provider”.

The AI-based software solution up2parts calculation, which enables the automated generation of work plans and quotations with time savings of up to 80 %, was very well received by the jury. The principle: By uploading a CAD model, the component analysis is started. Within seconds, a work plan proposal including costing for the component appears. With just two clicks, a quotation ready for dispatch is generated.

This enables manufacturers to write more quotations in less time and thus stay one step ahead of the competition. Especially contract manufacturers with daily changing orders and small quantities benefit from automated component calculation.

ife Award honors innovative spirit

The ife – Netzwerk für Einzelfertiger presents its annual innovation award for batch size 1+ to companies that have mastered the challenges triggered by the Corona pandemic through particularly outstanding innovative achievements. The aim of the award is to restore the faith of single-part and project manufacturers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in their well-known innovative strength. According to the network, this has been significantly dampened in German-speaking countries by the pandemic.

For the first time in ten years, spending on research and development in Germany, which in normal years accounts for the largest share of capital expenditure, fell by more than 6 % percent. This was evidenced by the new Innovation Panel of the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW).

About the ife – Netzwerk für Einzelfertiger

ife is the cross-industry network for single-part, contract, variant and project manufacturers as well as service providers and sees itself as a complement to the major industry associations. Experts from renowned single-part manufacturers, specialized consultants and representatives from the scientific community contribute their knowledge and experience to the network. They promote the exchange of information and approaches to solutions for practice-relevant topics in single-part production.